About NAM
We are a group of friendly people,
who are interested in building and flying Model Aeroplanes.
Negombo Aero Modellers was formed in early 80’s by the Founder who
had been engaged in aero modelling since 1960’s.
The group consists of young Children , Students, and Adults who are
Doctors, Engineers, Technicians and mostly Craftsmen
who love to make things that really work.
There is no age limit, no education qualifications needed.
Anybody who is interested in making models of aero planes, boats, cars, trains etc.
is warmly welcome.
The Flying site
The Flying site which is allocated for us from the Civil Aviation Authority,
is a 10 acre flat land near Hotel Dolphin, Waikkala.
Almost every Sundays and Holidays we meet at the site to carry on with our activities.
The Models
The Models that we have built and flown so far include ,
Gliders , Powered Planes, Paragliders, Autogyros and Helicopters.
New Types of Models are being added to the fleet specially
by young members and the Latest is a 111cc 3D MX-2.

With the Relaxation of Restrictions for flying activities, in the recent past, we have moved another
BIG STEP forward...
THE NEGOMBO AERO MODELLERS Proudly own a full size Powered Paraglider.
4 Members are already engaged in doing Ground Handling at the moment and very soon we Hope to be Airborne.
